Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Peter Lotterhos's RBD Training for Professional Athletes

Athletes Fitness Coaching- Perter Lotterhos RBD training

Peter Lotterhos Body Fitness Training and Coaching Centre
If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, here's why!
Your reactive mind operates in the past and has no access to the type of thought and feeling that has you access peak performance or the present moment. It gets in your way by creating limiting thinking and feeling. It's like being in a trance.
Is it possible to create access to peak performance consciously? If so, how can you begin to do so?
Learn to let go of the last shot/mistake. Learn to be present and focused. Be alive and turned on again about your sport. Empower your natural ability to achieve and perform. Achieve the ability to love the pressure of the moment.

This chart is an example of the type of coaching RBD Coaches do with their clients to support them at achieving their goals. RBD asserts that you don’t know yourself as someone who is successful. With that being said, it is your mind and your belief systems that are in your way; not your ability. Shift your mind and you will transform your reality.
The “Barriers to Performance” column lists common examples of what stops individuals. The column on the right demonstrates how RBD will support you at creating “Breakthrough Performance.” A lot of people find it difficult to understand this right column. Some people think it does not make sense and others cannot see how it will help them. Yet, it is this type of work, stemming from these distinctions, that is proven to cause breakthrough in performance and unprecedented results.
Barriers to Performance
RBD Coaching that Causes
Breakthrough Performance

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